Portfolio website

Watson NLClassifier Vs AFINN-111

For the news items provided by the Alchemy API in Watson services one can see the difference in output by the Watson Natural Language Classifier and a simple implementation of a classifier using AFINN-111 scoreset, some word stemming and stop-word-removal.

Please note: due to high load on the Bluemix PaaS the node might be offline.

Watson Chatbot for an insurance use-case

This chatbot has as it's goal to identify the client and provide relevant information for the client's inquiry about his insurance policy. This bot is also able to start a chat with an operator / human helper if requested by the client.

Please note: due to high load on the Bluemix PaaS the node might be offline.

Feedforward Neural Network Visualization

This is a visualization of an arbitrarily large neural network (defined by the network architecture). One can define training and testing values, and then perform forward and backpropagation and check the mean square error.

Please note: due to high load on Heroku the dyno might be offline.

AI for the board-game Hive

(Not yet uploaded to Heroku, Bluemix, AWS)

Simple simulation of autonomos agents

(Not yet uploaded to Heroku, Bluemix, AWS)

Collaborative drawing canvas

(Not yet uploaded to Heroku, Bluemix, AWS)


I consider myself a self-taught programmer. Before becoming a teenager I discovered that one can define aliases in the mIRC Chat client which would replaces my text input to something different.

From then on my focus moved to bots and simple graphical games. For the last 15 years I have programmed several apps for fun in my spare time. Often projects emerge due to a specific need; for instance in university I created a portal for student to share written lecture notes, and later a configurable web-crawler for affordable housing when I was moving

In March of 2017 I participated in the #SIXHackathon where the team won second place. Our pitch is publicly available on YouTube.